2740 N. Hampden Court
Chicago 14, ILL
January 4, 1955

Dear Julia,

I'm so busy I should make this very short. But there's so much to tell you, it will probably go on and on. I'll try to type rapidly and please forgive all mistakes.

First, the day after I mailed your Christmas card I got the nicest card from Martin He'd never sent me one before and I got a real kick out of it. Also, the little Japanese print on the front is so nice that I think I'll frame it. I sent hima note right away which he probably didn't get until after Christmas.

About the psychiatry book, I mentioned it to Doctor and Christy and they both said you could get it from Mr. Kellogg, but each time I see him I forget to ask him about it, and how much it is. But I will — don't give up hope. You might be able to get it in a bookstore there, I'll find out.

Did I tell you that Doctor had had a mild heart attack? He's getting along very well — gets around in a wheel chair now and was in the office every day last week for a few hours. We had the regular New Year's Day open house and he sat in his chair in the living-room the whole time - almost 4 hours.

Thanks loads for your Christmas note and the article about yourself. The pic¬ture is splendid and the article most interesting and very complimentary. I took it over to Sadler's of course and I think practically everyone read it with much interest. The day of the party it was passed around to everyone who knew you.

And I think that takes care of the odds and ends. Now for the real news. On Sun-lay, January 2, 1955, at 12 o'clock there was a meeting of 36 people in the Forum room for the purpose of organizing the Urantia Brotherhood. First, Doctor read a communication directing how it should be done(Bill will refresh your memory on it, it's one we've heard before), then Bill Hales presided and called each one of the 36 up to the front to sign the constitution. Since that brought the thing into existence, he called for nominations for officers, who were then elected. They are:

President         William S. Sadler, Jr.
Vice-President   Warren Kulieke Russell
Treasurer         Bucklin Anne Eawson
Secretary         Marian Rowley

Bill Sadler then took over the meeting and called for nominations for the nine committee chairmen, who were elected as follows:


Judicial - William M. Hales
Charter - Ruth Burton
Fraternal Relations - Edmond F. J. Kulieke (the father)
Domestic Extension - Everett Farwell
Foreign Extension - Jim Mills
Educational - Dr. William S. Sadler
Publications - Leone Sadler
Finance - David Adler
Committee on Miscellaneous Activities - E. L. Christensen (Christy)

Each committee has 5 other members besides the chairman, so after the chairman were elected, the five on each committee were elected, and I won't try to give you all those. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer, and the deed was done. Believe me, it was the most thrilling thing! We were all very much impressed - some were crying and I was shaking like a leaf. We've waited so long, and it just hardly seemed possible.

Then, before we broke up, the 5 trustees of the Urantia Foundation held a short meeting with all of us as audience. You may have forgotten that they are Bill Hales, President, Bill Sadler, V.P., Mr. Kellogg, Treasurer, Christy, Secretary, and Edith Cook, Asst. Secretary. Bill Hales read a provisional declaration of intention stating that since the decision was in their hands as of January 1, 1955, they intended to proceed with the publication of the book unless they were formally estopped before February 11, 1955. Then all five trustees Signed this document. So the actual print order will not be given until February 11. That is an important date - for one reason because everything actually started then. It was a most exciting day as you can imagine — and I didn't sleep much that night. I was mentally writing letters, making up files, Jotting down problems to discuss, etc. I would be overwhelmed with my job if I didn't realize that it will start slowly and grew gradually, and we'll all fumble around together at first. Of course I'll keep my regular job for at least a year and perhaps longer, and do this other work evenings and weekends. But it's going to keep me jumping, because besides all the clerical work, I'm also an ex officio member of every committee and Bill wants me present at all the meetings for the first 2 or 3 months. I really hadn't counted on that. But it will be fun getting organized and I love every minute of it, and think I'm very lucky to have such a responsible position. I'd be scared to death if there weren't so many to help me.

I told Bill last night that I wanted to write you all this stuff because you were having a meeting January 8, and he said it was okay. This coming Sunday the entire Forum will be told in meeting what want on last Sunday, and the provisional declaration will be read. Bill also wanted me to tell you that he will be in Los Angeles Sundav, January 30, and would like to have dinner with your group that night if it can be arranged. He will arrive on the Sunset Limited, which gets in around 4 in the afternoon, he thinks, and he'll be staying at the Biltmore. I hope you can all be there because he can give you a few more details than I've written. That will be the only time he'll have available for you. By the way, the constitution and by-laws will be printed as soon as possible, and you can have copies then. Bill can tell you what the different committees will do.

Give my very best regards to the Steens and all the others at the meeting Saturday. I'll be thinking of you.   Love,

[ hand written signature "Marian" ]